Hello, and welcome to my bearded dragon guide! This blog will give some fascinating and valuable bearded dragon information.
Let us define bearded dragons. Bearded dragons are an Australian lizard species. They are popular pets due to their pleasant and docile demeanor, as well as their distinct appearance.
A bearded dragon is a kind of lizard in the Pogona genus. They are native to Australia and are popular as pets because of their amiable attitude, distinct look, and low maintenance requirements.
Their name comes from the spiny flap of skin under their chin, which can puff up and darken, resembling a beard. Bearded dragons are omnivores, meaning they eat plants and animals and can survive in captivity for up to 15 years if properly cared for. They need a large cage with heat and UVB lighting and a diverse diet of fruits, vegetables, and insects.
Central bearded dragons can reach a length of about 2 feet. The tail of a bearded dragon is half the length of its body. Males are often larger than females. When frightened, a bearded dragon will flatten its body against the ground, puff up its spiky throat, and open its jaws to appear more prominent.
When lying in the sun, bearded dragons open their mouths wide to allow hot air to warm them up. They also open their jaws to help cool themselves off; heated air and heat escape through their mouths. This is comparable to panting.
Where Can You Find Bearded Dragons?
Bearded dragons are all over Australia, mainly in dry or semi-arid areas. Eastern Bearded Dragons are distributed throughout New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Victoria. It is relatively resistant to agricultural development and can be found in metropolitan settings.
The Dwarf or Western Bearded Dragon (Juvenile minor) is widespread throughout much of Western Australia, the western half of South Australia, and the southwest of the Northern Territory. In contrast, the Juvenile minor minima subspecies is only found on a few islands off the coast of Western Australia.
Bearded dragons can be found in various habitats, including forests, coastal dunes, heathland, tropical savannahs, and deserts. They can frequently sunbathe on tree stumps, fence posts, branches, or boulders. They may view predators, prey, and partners from here while soaking up some rays.
Juvenile: Bearded Dragon
Baby bearded dragons are considered juveniles until they reach a year old, at which point they are dubbed sub-adults until they reach adulthood at roughly 18 months old. When caring for a young bearded dragon, there are a few critical factors to consider.
Intermediate infant bearded dragon care guide, including a thorough dragon diet and substrate instructions, as well as heating and lighting
Bearded dragons are 18-24″ long lizards with spiky greyish, brownish, or orange scales (but different colours can be obtained in captivity). They get their name from their spiky, expanding throat pouch resembling a beard, significantly when it darkens.
These lizards are native to Australia’s eastern and central regions. They live in various environments, including deserts, shrubs, and dry forests. Bearded dragons are adept climbers and eager borrowers in their native habitat, despite being commonly considered terrestrial lizards.
Baby bearded dragons are known as hatchlings until they are about 2 months old, at which point they will grow from 3″ to 9″ long.
When caring for a young bearded dragon, there are a few critical factors to consider. Beardies, especially young ones, use their mouths to explore the world by tasting everything. There is always the chance of your pet inadvertently consuming something they are not supposed to.
On the other hand, bearded dragons are cold-blooded, meaning they must migrate between temperatures to regulate their body temperature. In the wild, bearded dragons warm up by sunbathing in the sun. They do well in captivity with a halogen heat lamp as a heat source.
The Behaviour Of A Juvenile Bearded Dragon:
Bearded dragons can enter a condition of ‘torpor’ or hibernation during the colder months. Bearded dragons emerge after the chilling winter season, and males begin strutting their thing! They bob their heads, flaunt their beards, and bite each other’s tails.
Bearded dragons have a complex communication system: they bob their heads or entire bodies to express authority and wave their wrists to signal submission!
The female deposits a clutch of 10 to 30 eggs in a burrow, which is then covered with dirt to conceal the nest. Evidence shows that females can retain sperm to fertilize eggs after laying the first clutch.
Bearded dragons are predominantly diurnal (active throughout the day), though they are most active in the early morning and late afternoon during the summer. They eat fruits, leaves, invertebrates (such as ants and beetles), small vertebrates, and other lizards.
What does a bearded dragon do without standing water to drink? During light rain, this astute lizard will stand on its front limbs, its head and tail sloping down to direct water to its mouth. They’re believed to be able to stay in this position for 30 minutes at a time!